Design Day

Each Spring, ECE students present their capstone projects to the public at Design Day, showcasing the final results of the work they undertook throughout the academic year.

Friday, April 19, 2024, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

McKimmon Center,  1101 Gorman St, Raleigh, NC 27606

Thank you for joining us on Spring 2024 Design Day, where our final semester project teams presented their completed projects.  We had 58 fantastic projects – everything from automated hydroponics, energy harvesting gaming, and saving red wolves, to electric assist wheelchairs, noise cancelling window units, battery management system, a new supercool 5G testing system, and high voltage power supply for novel x-rays. 

Senior Design Awards 2024

Congratulations to all of our award winners! Please review the slideshow here to learn more about our winners!